Saturday, February 16, 2008

New Things Every Day!

Having a bad day? Here's your cure.... Love this smile! It seems like every day brings something new that Zoe can do. -She found her feet last weekend. When she nurses now, she must hold onto her foot while eating or she gets very upset. Valentines Day Fun -On Thursday, Ms. Rita commented that Zoe had been sucking on her thumb. Sure enough, that night she fell asleep while sucking her thumb. She doesn't want to use her paci as much now, opting for her thumb instead. Mommy and Zoe -She grabs onto things and people now. She was playing on the floor recently and reached out and felt Bella. She immediately grabbed at that soft fur. Bella was very surprised that the loud baby would reach out and grab her! Bella and Zoe zoe 025 Eating her bear

-We tried some oatmeal cereal which went over much better than the rice cereal. She's still not a big fan of being spoon fed but we aren't rushing her. Here are a few pictures and video from the first time we tried the cereal. To say it wasn't her favorite thing to try would be a huge understatement. First Bite of Cereal Do I really have to swallow this?

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