Tuesday, February 26, 2008

5 months old

Happy Zoe! Zoe is 5 months old today. She's growing up so fast! It seems like the past few days have brought nothing but new things for her. She rolled over for the first time on Sunday. She has begun to schootch (technical term) when she's on her tummy. It seems like her first real progress towards crawling! And, she picked up her paci and put it in her mouth on her own today. Here's a picture of her putting her foot in her mouth. It seems like everything goes into her mouth now. Does my foot fit in my mouth? And here's a rare picture of her laughing. She does laugh quite a bit, especially at her Daddy but she freezes up when I pull out the camera. Laughing Zoe! She's also sitting up so well. She still needs to be supported or propped up but she's getting there! In this pic, she was practicing her noises. She does a razzing type sound that sends slobber flying. Zoe chillin in her chair And finally a picture taken tonight of her in her new high chair. She seems to enjoy eating the cereal as long as we mix the oatmeal in with the rice cereal. The last two nights we've mis-judged the right time for feeding her the cereal and we've waited until she's too tired or too hungry to deal with eating the cereal. We aren't going to fight with her and force her to eat the cereal if she doesn't want to. There will be plenty of things to fight over in the future! When we do have a good time picked out to feed her the cereal, she enjoys eating it and eagerly anticipates the next bite! Zoe is 5 months 3 Now for the What your Baby May Be Doing for 5 months... By five months, your baby.... Should be able to: hold head steady when upright- yes on stomach, raise chest, supported by arms- yes pay attention to an object as small as a raisin- yes squeal in delight- not yet reach for an object- yes but clumsy smile spontaneously- yes smile back when you smile- yes grasp a rattle held to backs or tips of fingers- yes keep head level to body when pulled to sitting- yes Will probably be able to: roll over (one way)- yes bear some weight on legs- yes say 'ah-goo' or similar vowel-consonant combination- yes razz (make a wet razzing sound)- yes turn in the direction of a voice- yes May possibly be able to: sit without support- no May even be able to: pull up to standing position from sitting- no stand holding on to someone or something- no object if you try to take a toy away- yes work to get a toy out of reach- no pass a cube or other object from one hand to another- no look for dropped object- no rake with fingers a tiny object and pick it up in fist- no babble, combining vowels and consonants such as ga-ga-ga, ba-ba-ba- yes

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