Saturday, January 5, 2008

Life is just getting better and better

So now that we've had a chance to relax and the holidays, I have some time to post. We had a wonderful Christmas and enjoyed seeing everyone. Zoe hit 3 months old on December 26th. I was finally able to post some new pictures and video. Here's a pic on Christmas Day with Zoe and her cousin Breanna. Miss Zoe was very unhappy about the wardrobe changes. She's just started sticking her bottom lip out like this. It's so funny to watch! 060 Zoe also has enough head control now that she can sit in her Bumbo for 10 minutes. Chillin in her Bumbo Another recent change is the new facial expressions. This one is the face she gives us when we show her something she's not so sure about... The view is different from here! She has the sweetest smile Fun Playmat time Here's another face that makes me laugh. This is her surprised face! Her new playmat has a leaf that's made of crinkly material. If you touch it, it sounds like a plastic bag. She loves the sound but always seems surprised when she hears the sound. Surpised!!

And now for some new videos... Here are some of Zoe's milestones as listed in the What to Expect The First Year Book: By three months, your baby..... should be able to: -on stomach, lift head 45 degrees yes .....will probably be able to: -laugh out loud- yes but she's not sure yet of what she's doing -on stomach, lift head 90 degrees yes but she shakes while doing this -squeal in delight no -bring both hands together no -smile spontaneously-YES! -follow an object held about 6 inches above baby's face and moved 180 degrees -from one side to the other, with baby watching all the day-yes .....may possibly be able to: -hold head steady when upright yes -on stomach, raise chest, supported by arms yes -roll over (one way) Almost!! -grasp a rattle held to backs or tips of fingers no -pay attention to an object as small as a raisin .....may even be able to: -bear some weight on legs when held upright no -reach for an object no -say "Ah-goo" or similar vowel consonant combination no -razz (make a wet razzing sound) no -keep head level with body when pulled to sitting yes thanks to Aunt Sharon showing her how! -turn in direction of a voice, particularly Mommy's- yes

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