Sunday, January 20, 2008

The Healing Power of a Smile

I apologize for the delay in posting an update to Zoe's blog. We have all been sick over the past week and it's been rough. I got the cold first and had a lot of congestion. Then I gave the cold to Jeremy and Zoe last Sunday. They both stayed home last Monday to take care of each other. Tuesday we all went back to work and Zoe went to daycare. On Wednesday I felt sick again so I made an appt with my new family doctor. I have tonsillitis. Yuck. When I picked Zoe up from daycare that day, Ms Rita told me that she had several poopy diapers. It wasn't even 2 weeks ago that I took her to the pediatrician because she went 15 days without pooping! Well, poor little Zoe caught a gastro-intestinal virus and had diarrhea for a few days. Although she's still a cutie, this pic was taken when she was sick. I can see how sad and miserable she feels. I <3 Daddy 2 I <3 Daddy Thursday and Friday Zoe and I stayed home to recover and rest. It was wonderful being able to spend extra time with her. We are all finally feeling better! We are looking forward to our trip to Colorado later this week. Our plan is to leave Thursday night and drive overnight so Zoe's sleep schedule won't get all screwy. We will spend the weekend in Colorado Springs at Grandma Linda's sister's house. We are looking forward to sharing Zoe with Grandma Linda on the long drive and seeing all our other family. She's found her hands finally! I often find her awake in her crib or bouncy seat watching her hand as it opens and closes. She can also grab her feet or socks. She doesn't know what to do with them once she's grabbed them but she'll figure it out. Her hands and fingers are constantly in her mouth. Usually gagging herself because she sticks them so far back in her mouth. I don't see any teeth yet but the slobber has begun! I've uploaded a ton of new pictures to the flickr account. Here are just a few of my favorites.... This was taken on January 6th on a day that was unnaturally warm. She's getting chubby rolls on her legs. Cubby Legs This was during a play session on the floor with her old playmat. She got a vibrating moose for Christmas and she's surprised when it vibrates! You can see the legs of the moose in the upper left corner of the picture Play time 4 And this is what she is doing almost all of the time now! Eating her fist Finally, I have two new videos. She's actively playing with her toy bar on her bouncy seat now. Enjoy her laughing and making noises in the first video

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