Saturday, November 24, 2007

November 24th

It's time for a new video of Zoe! This was recorded Thanksgiving morning. As you'll see, she loves taking baths! She alternates between relaxed floating and playful splashing.

Last weekend we drove down to Texas to visit my family. Zoe did pretty good on the drive down there but she was ready to get out of her car seat long before we got there. Aunt Leaf finally got to meet her little neice.
Grandma and Aunt Leah feeding Zoe
We had a nice lunch last Saturday and Zoe got to meet her Thomas Great-Grandparents.
Great Grandpa and Zoe

After lunch, Mom and Dad went to Waco alone to watch OSU beat Baylor. Zoe stayed at Grandma's house and had a fun time with her Aunt Sharon, Aunt Leah and Grandma Mary.
Zoe the Sleeping Genius

We had a very nice Thanksgiving. We spent several hours at Zoe's Great-Grandparent's house. Good food and even better time spent visiting with family.
On Friday morning, the ladies all decided we would meet at 4 am to shop. Zoe did great bundled up in the wrap. Linda, Jennifer, and Brianna were fun shopping companions! We didn't take any pictures of our crazy selves. Here's a pic of Zoe and I on Thanksgiving morning. She truely is a blessing!

Thanksgiving Blessing

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