Tuesday, November 6, 2007

Last week Zoe had her 1 month check up. She weighed 9 lbs 4 oz and was 21 3/4 inches long!! The doctor said she was in perfect health with the exception of her reflux. She got one shot but she hardly noticed being stuck with the needle. She goes back in another month and will have to get 4 shots!
Zoe on gift blanket-Great Aunt Diane
She's finally in a nighttime routine that Mom and Dad can handle. She usually goes to sleep between 11:00 pm and 12:00 am and will sleep until 5:30 am or 6:00 am. Daytime naps are a challenge now-she'll only sleep if she's in my arms if she sleeps during the day at all.
Swing sleep
Nap Time
She's begun cooing a little bit recently. Mom and Dad are very excited to hear our little girl make noises other than screaming and crying. She's still not really smiling but she'll get there soon enough. Her poor face has broken out in newborn acne. The acne should disappear in a few weeks.

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