Sunday, March 1, 2009

She walks!

Our laptop's motherboard is fried so I'm trying to blog with my iPhone. I figured a small text only update is better than nothing right? The big news is that zoe is finally walking! I went to daycare on Friday to pick her up and what a pleasant surprise to walk in and see her walking towards me! I know it won't be long until she becomes more skilled and I am running after her. She's also been talking ip a storm lately. She started saying "bye-bye" complete with a little wave. She's mastered the art of the headshake and the word "no". She says "nana" for bananas and "Ahhhh" when she's thirsty. She also says "Ooh cold" and will try to repeat back anything she hears. She knows the last line of her favorite book, "Five Little Ladybugs". She loves snuggling with her stuffed animals and climbing into our laps for book reading. Everyday she makes me laugh and she now realizes she makes me laugh at certain things so she will try to repeat the action that made me laugh. She's getting so big! Where have the 17 months gone?

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